
This Is My Formula for Online Success

Using the Internet to build a successful home-based business is all about directing traffic to your website.

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During the past two years I have learned that success in online marketing of any opportunity comes from adhering to a simple formula.

Your Passion + A Niche Market + Valuable Products = Success

Let’s break the formula down into bite size chunks.

First, your passion is what you love to do; what you love to talk about; and, what you may consider your expertise.

Second, a niche market is a small portion of the total population of Internet users that may share your passion. For example, if you have a love for tropical fish, your niche market would be other Internet users who love tropical fish.

Third, a valuable product is something your readers would benefit from having. Consider your tropical fish passion and niche market. A valuable product for this crowd may be something like a guidebook on how to prevent diseases, or perhaps a directory of wholesale fish providers. Whatever the product or service you suggest to your customer, you would be wise to focus on products deemed valuable by your niche market.

You see, Internet marketing fortunes are being built every day on this simple formula. Find your passion, tie that passion to a niche market, and offer that niche market valuable products.

One of the best ways to communicate your passion is to use a blog. There are hundreds of free blogging opportunities available on the Internet, and you can start with places like,, and Another free source for sharing your passion with other Internet users is to write articles. The best place to do this, in my opinion, is with

Creating a blog is not nearly as complicated as you may think, and can be as simple as a daily diary type entry, or as complicated as a news clearinghouse, like The Drudge Report.

The great thing about blogs is that you do not have to be an Internet guru or computer programmer to make them work. And you don’t have to write like J.K. Rowling to gain a following. As long as you are blogging about your passion, you will be fine.

People are hungry for information. Be true to your readers. Stay focused on your blog topic, and you will find success.

Over the past few years I have tried and failed in a boat load of Internet income opportunity programs. By following my formula for success you can avoid my years of trial and error and shortcut your way to quality traffic to your product and opportunity offers.

Click Here To Watch A 17 Minute Video Showing How One Man Makes Over $100k Monthly!

Ron Taylor mentors home business entrepreneurs who are serious about building successful Internet Marketing businesses.


Are You Forgetting These Three Steps To Home Business Success?

It’s been said that up to 97% of all home businesses end in failure.

Failure in this sense does not mean bankruptcy, rather, it tells a story of how most of us jump into a home business project, only to quit a month or two down the line. In my opinion, this failure to persist in your home business is the result of failing to join the right home business opportunity.

A good small business to start from home should represent a balance between your income potential, personal interests, and cash available for investment.

If you have limited funds available for startup costs, or do not have a background in business management or startups, I highly recommend you explore the multi-level marketing business opportunities first.

I like to take a no-holds-barred approach to business. That means when I see an opportunity, and decide it offers a low risk and high payoff potential, I jump in. I've been burned a few times in my over-zealousness, but an occasional failure is part of the game. Over the years I've learned you either play the game, and accept the risks (it helps to understand the risks going in), or you don't play. In my opinion, life is too short to waste time on the sidelines. I rode the bench in high school football and hated every minute of it. The publication you now hold is an expression of my "play the game" business philosophy. Be a player, not a spectator.
Most of what I've learned about business I learned on the streets, playing the game, getting knocked down a few times, and getting back up in time for the next play. During the past 12 years I have built and managed several successful companies using a technique of (1) educating myself about a business opportunity, (2) diving in with massive action and learning from hands-on experience, and (3) using this knowledge and new found experience to gain insight into how to play the game better, and how to adapt my behavior to find either a profit in the business, or minimize my losses.
Throughout the trials and joys of business ownership, I have learned there is one constant in life: nothing stays the same. Change is everywhere. Be flexible. Treat every circumstance as a learning opportunity, and never rest on yesterday's successes; for tomorrow is another day.

In the end, don't let the words "he/she had the potential to achieve great things" be a part of your epitaph. The words "had" and "potential" are clues to a life full of promise never realized.

Woody Allen once said, "eighty percent of success is showing up." You have to show up. You have to be willing to take the plunge. You have to do the things other people refuse to do. You have to persevere in the face of adversity. And, you have to believe in yourself, no matter what others may say and think about you.

Fortunately, through the sheer beauty of the network marketing concept, you can take this plunge into the business world with minimal financial risk.

Ron Taylor mentors home business entrepreneurs. Here are some links to several sites he suggests you check out.

If you are interested in learning about some amazing products or business opportunities, click on the names of the products below that interest you. Be careful to find an opportunity that suits your interests and goals:

Hinge Marketing

Automated Cash Formula

Run Your Car On Water

The Auto Cash System


Paid Surveys: Two Quick Ways To Make Money Online

What’s sweeter than surfing the Internet on the job? Making money responding to online paid surveys as you surf!

Imagine, you clock into work, grab a cup of coffee, and then head to your computer to check your emails. But, instead of replying to the obligatory staff memo, you click on the email with the subject line: “Here’s Another Survey For You.” Voila! Instant cash in your mailbox.

Yes, you can get paid to complete opinion surveys online in the comfort of your own office—or home for that matter. Your response to surveys becomes critical marketing data used by virtually every major corporation in America. The data is so important to these companies they are willing to pay you for your time and effort. The pay varies by survey, ranging from a low of about 50 cents, to a high of around 10 dollars. Each survey will take about 20 minutes to complete.

As an experienced Internet Marketer, let me tell you why I enjoy doing paid surveys over anything else online:

1. They are easy, and do not require any Internet skills.
2. You don’t have to own or manage a website to make money.
3. Survey providers look for you, rather than you having to hunt down random customers.
4. There is no product to sell or ship, and no refund requests.
5. Customer service? Never heard of it.
6. Work at your own pace, when you fell like it.

These are just a few of the reasons completing paid surveys online is a viable way for you to make an extra income. In my experience, you can easily make around $300 per month with very little time involved. Commit yourself to this full time and you could earn a respectable income.

There are two ways to get started in the paid survey business. First, you can go to any search engine and find websites that offer free registration to their paid survey service. This is the “bum marketing” way to do it, and it works. There is however, one big however. When I first started with paid surveys I took the bum marketing approach. As a result I was asked to complete about one survey per day, sometimes for as little as 50 cents each.

Now I’m not known to have any rocket scientist potential, but it didn’t take long for me to realize the bum marketing approach was not helping me to achieve my income goals. So, I started looking around and came up with a better mousetrap.

The better mousetrap, and my second approach to getting paid for doing online surveys, turned out to be joining a couple of survey provider websites as a premium member. Yes, I paid a few bucks up front to join, but I have since made that back plus a lot more. Either way, you can make money doing paid surveys online, but if you wanna go pro and make some dough, I recommend the “premium member” route.

Join Ron at his website to learn more about how to get paid doing online surveys. Visit:


Paid Surveys, Making Money Online

Completing paid surveys on the Internet has quickly become a popular way to make money online. In my experience most survey companies offer a legitimate service, and pay respondents a fair fee for their time and thoughtful answers.

Yes, you can make money online by completing paid surveys. You may not be able to retire from your day job, or buy a new house form your paid survey income, but at the same time a few hundred extra bucks each month doesn’t hurt either.

Before you get involved in this line of work, you should be aware of a few things. First, paid survey providers will entice you to join their programs by hyping the amounts of money you will earn, while negating the amount of time it takes to earn the higher ranges of paid survey income. Keep in mind that each survey you complete will take time, and the amount you will be paid for each survey will vary. Second, the best paid survey programs may require a small fee to get started. You can generally recover this fee quickly through special new member bonuses, but to truly make any money you will need to be persistent in completing one or two surveys daily.

The key to making money with paid surveys is in matching your personal demographics with those sought after by the survey sponsor. For example, one company may be looking for respondents in the 18-25 year age group with an annual household income of $45,000 or more, while another wants opinions from men over 55 years of age. If you don’t meet the specific demographic criteria for a given survey, you will not be selected to complete the survey.

This is the main drawback of relying upon surveys for your income, and in my opinion is why you should become affiliated with a professional survey provider. A survey provider assesses your personal demographics, and then searches the Internet for paid surveys you are eligible for. The provider then forwards you information on how to access and complete these surveys, resulting in a significant increase in your paid survey earnings.

Another factor that frequently discourages people from the paid survey business is the time required to complete each survey. Most surveys will take approximately twenty minutes to complete, depending on how fast you can read and answer questions. Be advised, however, paid surveys are structured in a way that detects fake answers.

Paid surveys contain duplicate and “test” type questions that can measure a respondent’s consistency. If you tell a surveyor your favorite color is red, the later answer a similar question by selecting blue as your favorite color, you have just proven yourself inconsistent and unreliable. You could easily spend twenty minutes zipping through a paid survey, only to have the results, and your pay, disqualified. Therefore, if you’re going to do paid surveys, you have to be consistent in your answers and give the survey company your honest opinion.

In my opinion completing online surveys to make an extra income can be a legitimate home business. However, in order to receive the maximum number of survey offers that fit your personal demographics, it is essential that you become affiliated with a survey hosting company of some sort.

Simply applying to complete surveys and waiting for them to drop into your email inbox will not suffice, and will quickly deflate your hopes of using paid surveys as a vehicle to making money online.

Ron Taylor

Sign Up For A Paid Survey Account Here


Lose 30 Pounds In 30 Days?

Obesity, An American Epidemic

An epidemic of obesity and its health related complications are sweeping America.

Unfortunately, one out of three of us are part of this plague, and the number appears to grow daily. Despite an abundance of diet books, diet plans, home exercise equipment, and dire warnings from the medical community, less than one percent of dieters achieve sustained weight loss and many fail to produce measurable results in health improvements. In fact, research suggests dieting may be part of the obesity problem, rather than the solution.

The root of the obesity problem lies in our eating habits. Simply put, we eat too much saturated fat and refined sugar, and too little fiber—most of this brought on by spending over half of our food budget on fast food in the form of greasy burgers and fries, gulped down with syrup-laden sodas. Let me give you two weight loss tips right here: (1) Stop using the drive-thru. (2) Stop eating refined and sweetened foods.

On a personal level, has your diet succeeded in changing your eating habits? Chances are it has not. A diet plan may tell you what and how much to eat, but it cannot settle your body’s craving for food, nor can it change your eating habits.

According to the Surgeon General, obesity causes over 300,000 deaths per year and doubles your chances of becoming diabetic. Obesity also increases the probability of acquiring other health related issues, such as:

· Heart disease
· Breast cancer
· Asthma
· Sleep apnea
· Arthritis
· Pregnancy complications
· Depression

The statistics are frightening. The problem is real. But, there is hope. While the national statistics of obesity and diabetes skyrocket, you can defy the numbers. As you journey with me, it is my hope you will find the inspiration to achieve success with your diet.

Diets are personal, and what works for one person may not work for another. Amidst the din of conflicting and often confusing information about dieting, you must choose the path that is right for you. Your diet should not be drudgery, but should be a joyful process of self-discovery and mastery over food addiction. Each successful day represents a triumph, and each triumph gives you more strength and resolve to persevere. As Thoreau once stated “We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones.”

Now is the time for new beginnings. Become a successful dieter, today. The clock is ticking.

I would like to speak to you metaphorically for a moment by comparing my body and eating habits to a steamroller.

When it comes to eating I’m just like one of those steamrollers you see flattening the pavement at a construction site. Once that thing gets rolling, it takes a lot of energy to stop it. Likewise, once I start eating, I tend to binge. Everything in my path gets flattened—that is, eaten. Steamrolling my way though the refrigerator seemed fun at the time, but looking back, I realize it was a recipe for disaster.

For ten years I ignored the growing bulge around my waistline and laughed as my pants sizes, and clothing purchases escalated with a regularity that kept my local Wal-Mart clothing department gainfully employed. But like a balloon, you can only fill it up so far before she blows. I had to find a way to shut the steamroller down before it ran me over.

Carrying the steamroller analogy a bit further, I knew if I could steal the battery, or somehow disable the starting mechanism, I could make it through the day without bingeing or grossly violating the rules of my diet. What I learned was that the best way to disable the bingeing steamroller machine was to not allow it to get started. That is, I recognized I was unable to stop eating after I started, therefore, I resolved to not get started to begin with. Dieting for me required cold turkey cessation of the snacking routine. I now limit my eating to scheduled meal times. I now eat three meals and two snacks per day. It’s not easy, and it takes desire, dedication, and determination to succeed.

You know that.

But what you may not realize is that the benefits of being physically fit make the pain, discomfort, and hassle of dieting worthwhile.

One day I stepped on the scale and nearly passed out when I read the numbers: 270. I shook my head in amazement and whispered to myself, “Congratulations Mr. Taylor, you are obese.” For the next 18 months following that momentous day, I dedicated myself to a diet of three meals and two small snacks per day, and found a way to get some exercise at least five days out of each week. It wasn’t easy, and yes, there were both good and bad days. Following the bad days I reconfirmed my desire to continue with my diet and refused to quit. In hindsight, I can see that the refusal to quit was much more vital to my success than the actual diet plan.

There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of diet plans available on the market today. You may even be working on one prescribed by your physician. In my opinion, any sensible diet that does not demand extremes in food limits, such as starvation diets, and emphasizes a well-balanced approach to reducing calorie intake and increasing calorie consumption (via exercise) is workable. If you have a specific medical condition, such as hyperthyroidism or diabetes, than of course you need to be working under a doctor’s diet, specifically designed for you and your condition.

The important thing, I believe, is for you to find a diet you are comfortable with, and that you can sustain as a way of life. Jumping from one diet to the next may be good for the booksellers and packaged food diet plans, but it is rarely effective in helping you to actually lose weight.

Here is the skinny on my weight loss, which you may or may not like to hear. Short of a specific medical condition, as I mentioned earlier, weight loss is a function of expending more calories than you consume. You can do this in any one of three ways:

1. Increase the amount of calories your body burns through regular exercise.
2. Decrease the amount of calories you eat.
3. Attack weight loss by both eating less and exercising more.

Every thing else you read or hear about dieting is a variation or elaboration of these three key points.

Additionally, I learned that successful dieters are patient dieters. It took ten years of binge eating and neglect for me to accumulate over 90 pounds in excess weight. But when I started my diet, I wanted the fat off immediately—that Thursday would have been fine. Sadly, it didn’t happen as I planned. It took 18 months of consistent, deliberate work. On a positive note, however, I felt the difference in my energy level and self-esteem within one week of diligently adhering to my diet. And as you will learn, it’s these small rewards of confidence and new energy that you will begin to feed on as you adapt to a new lifestyle.

There was no magical pill, ointment, food product, or ingenious piece of home exercise equipment that helped me along. In fact, I would still like my $39 back for that abdominal workout gizmo that tightened my love handles, but did not help me to lose a single pound. Make patience the first ingredient in your successful diet recipe book, and forget the gimmicks.

Forget the gimmicks. Forget the myths. Beginning today, you can change your life and have a positive impact on others who witness your success. As you lose weight and gain the energy, health, and vitality to enjoy an active life, those around you will inevitably ask: “How did you do it?”

Smile, and teach them the diet that helped me lose an incredible amount of weight in a ridiculously short amount of time. To Read About My Diet: Click Here!

Ron Taylor
“Lose 30 Pounds In 30 Days”
Click Here!


How To Land a Grant

How To Get Some Of Uncle Sam's Money

The Federal Government and Private Grant Foundations issue billions of dollars in grant money to a variety of groups each year. Grants are awarded to individuals each and every day from all walks of life, with large and very small bank accounts, for an ever-increasing array of purposes.

Grant programs are not Loans. You decide how much you need. As long as the amount is lawful and you meet the Foundations and Government Agencies Requirements, the money is yours to keep and never needs to be repaid. This grant money is non-taxable and interest-free!

Grant programs don't require a credit checks, collateral, security deposits or co-signers, you can apply even if you have a declared bankruptcy or have bad credit. You as a tax payer and U.S. citizen are entitled to apply for this money.
Take a look at this site for more info:

Get Some Of Uncle Sam’s Money Here

Ron Taylor

Blogs And Bucks: How To Make Money Blogging

A casual search on the key word “blog” returns over 1.3 billion links, and a search of the keyword phrase “how to blog” gives you 770 million results. With millions of people blogging everyday, your blog is virtually guaranteed to be lost in the sea of Internet variety and choice.

If you blog, the idea of marketing or promoting your blog should be a major concern. Successful bloggers improve the stickiness of their weblog with content that encourages both longer and repeat visits.

Like any conventional website, your ability to attract visitors is critical to your success in terms of ad click thrus or sponsorship. While blog pioneers with thousands of daily visitors have managed to monetize their sites, most of us languish in obscurity with hardly a visitor, much less sponsorship or ad driven revenue.

Recently several products have come online that promise to revolutionize the blogosphere with predesigned templates geared towards innocuous blending of text with sponsored links and banners. These products also assist you with keyword placement, headlines, content, and issues specifically aimed at search engine optimization (SEO). One product I have reviewed suggests you can turn an ordinary blog into a cash machine. According to the author of this product, revenues in the $4,000 range per month is very realistic. You can read about his offer at Blogging To The Bank.

While many of us came to the blogosphere with a desire to share content and ideas with others, with a “shareware” type attitude, I’m finding earning a little cash from my rants is a nice thing.


Fired Temp Worker Gets Revenge!

Make Money Online, Starting Today: Click Here!

Fired Temp Worker Gets Revenge!
Temping ain’t easy.

You work for minimum wage. Get the worse job assignments in the company. And, you can be replaced without justification at a moment’s notice.

In three years of temping, I did not accrue a minute of vacation time, or a dime’s worth of medical insurance. I shoveled cattle feed in the morning and its inevitable by-product in the evening, cleaned toxic waste filters the full-time employees wouldn’t touch, and chased bats from an attic that I honestly believe was haunted by a betrayed mistress. Like I said, temping ain’t easy.

But it was work. Honest work that put food on the table and paid the rent. And that’s about all it did.

Have you ever heard the expression, “living paycheck to paycheck?” During those three years I was the poster boy for living paycheck to paycheck. I don’t mean to bad mouth the entire temp industry. Temporary service agencies provide a valuable service for both employers and job hunters, and I’ve heard that some even offer bennies. But I don’t believe it was meant to serve as a long-term solution for anybody with an ounce of ambition.

To make a dreadfully long story short, I eventually got fed up with the nonsense and told one of my temp bosses what I thought of him and his haunted attic. Two minutes later I was being escorted off the property by a security guard—a temp worker himself if I remember correctly.

So after six years in fast food and three years in the temp business, it finally began to dawn on me that making the same mistakes over and over was not only proof of my thick skulled mentality, it was also proof that you cannot get ahead working to help somebody else achieve his or her goals.

Lately I have learned three important lessons from people like Robert Kiyosaki, Suze Orman, and David Bach. While each of these writers is unique, they all basically say the same thing:

1. Learn to spend less than you earn.
2. Buy appreciable assets that produce a positive cash flow.
3. And, find a way to create multiple streams of income.

One of the best ways I know of to achieve these three points is to own and operate your own business. Now this isn’t rocket science, and it doesn’t take the Bank of Switzerland, or an SBA loan for that matter, to get started. All it takes is a little initiative, sprinkled with a healthy dose of persistence, patience, and promotion. Take it from me, a small business gives you the ability to make money, build a residual income, and perhaps create wealth.

So, what was my revenge? Success. I left the temp business and started my own home-based business. Now I do the hiring and firing. Su-weet.

Ron Taylor


Consumer Debt Is A Financial Killer!

Consumer debt is a financial killer.

One of the best ways to reclaim your financial future is to repay those high interest consumer loans and then restrict the use of credit cards to emergencies and fast investment cash.

Therefore, a crucial step in creating wealth is to reduce your dependence on credit cards and ensure future monthly payments on all of your cards combined never exceeds 10% of your after tax income.

Consumer debt is usually used to finance the purchase of “nice to have” things--which typically depreciate in value. Whereas, investment debt is the use of financing to purchase things which go up in value, like real estate, antiques, and well-run businesses.

Consumer credit increased at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in May 2006, while revolving credit increased at an annual rate of 10 percent. The Federal Reserve Statistical Release for July 10, 2006, indicates Americans currently owe over 808 billion dollars in revolving debt, which is principally credit cards and auto loans, and over 1.3 trillion dollars in non-revolving debt.

According to U.S. Bankruptcy Court statistics, there were well over 2 million bankruptcy flings made in 2005 alone, with the vast majority of these non-business related filings. Remember, there are approximately 123 million working Americans; therefore, this number represents nearly 2 percent of the working population. The abuse of credit cards by the American consumer has become a financial epidemic.

The propensity of Americans to assume high interest credit card debt, while fearing the use of debt to make intelligent investments, is mind-boggling. Consider this example. A new car may cost you up to $500 per month. At the end of 5 years, you will have a significantly depreciated car, with a loss of $30,000 or more in principal and interest payments.

Compare this to purchasing a rental property. In the worse case scenario, you may expect to make payments during vacancies, provide for unscheduled maintenance, and carry a negative cash flow from month to month. However, at the same time you will be enjoying a property that appreciates in value, while giving you a valuable tax write-off.

Appreciation and tax write-offs are not the primary reason to get involved in real estate, nor is carrying a negative cash flow a pleasant thought. But, in the long run, this is more advantageous to your wealth goals than the car loan.

As a credit consumer you should also protect yourself against the dreaded Universal Default Clause. Amazingly, a large percentage of major credit card issuers have this clause tucked into your user agreement.

Essentially, the Universal Default Clause allows your credit card company to significantly increase your interest rate and fees based on your credit score and payment history with other lenders, including your home and car loan.

Watch out for this clause and try to avoid doing business with credit card companies that use this tactic to prey on their less sophisticated customers.

Ron Taylor mentors home business entrepreneurs who are serious about building successful home businesses. To work with Ron, please visit

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How To Tell The Boss To Kiss Off

Wanna tell your boss to kiss off?

Just about everybody I know would say “yes” to that question. Sadly, according to IRS and U.S. Census data, about 96% of us will never be able to do that.

If you look at average household income data compared with consumer spending, one reason for this dilemma stands out—we spend more than we earn. Which basically means, we are too broke to quit our jobs.

The first step in the wealth building process is the most difficult. Spending less than you earn is an obstacle to success, and in my experience, trashes the dreams of more wealth builders than anything else.

Quite simply, if you cannot control your spending habits, you do not have the potential to achieve wealth—short of winning the lottery, landing a mega-millions sports contract, or inventing a cure for cancer. Here’s the challenge I’m laying down for you: Learn to spend less than you earn by either decreasing your expenditures or increasing your income.

Try not to focus on cutting out all the good things in your life or forcing a draconian budget on your family. Instead, cut out the obvious wasting of money, stop buying frivolous things on credit, and figure out how to make $300 to $500 extra each month, outside your current job. Please don’t think in terms of another part time job. Think in terms of what home-based business or investment can bring in the money.

There are literally hundreds of legitimate ways to make money at home, and I hope you can find the perfect opportunity to match your interests, skills, and income goals.

Ron Taylor

Click Here To Visit My Website


How To Get A Major Credit Card With Lousy Credit

Have you ever tried to rent a car or a hotel room without a credit card? How about making purchases on the Internet? Whether you like using credit cards or not, they are an important part of everyday life, and used responsibly, are a great financial tool you can use to build a business or cover day-to-day expenses.

The credit industry has a huge impact on the American economy, and as a consumer, you are an important link in this sector. Recent statistics estimate consumers carry nearly $2 trillion in consumer debt, with approximately $8,500 dollars serviced by each American citizen, and over $50 billion dollars in annual finance charges paid (which does not include home mortgages). With all of this credit, 22% of us do not qualify for credit cards, and approximately 1.5 million cardholders declare bankruptcy annually. While the numbers appear frightening, credit is a powerful tool, which when used properly, enables consumers to enjoy online transactions, travel, and even investing.

What this means to you is that overall the image of credit card debt is not really as bad as you may be led to believe by the media. Credit card companies are not on the verge of failure and continue to welcome new members at record rates. For people without credit cards, or poor credit ratings, the trick becomes one of convincing a credit card company that you are a worthy credit risk.

For the complete 13-page article on How to Get a Major Credit Card With lousy Credit, go to

Ron Taylor


Mining For Gold In Your Home Business

Back in 1848 the employee’s of Sutter’s Mill discovered gold in the rivers and hills around what is now Sacramento, California. Unable to contain their excitement, they ran to San Francisco and shouted to the rooftops, “There’s gold in them thar hills.”

Virtually overnight gold fever spread like wildfire around the globe. Thousands poured into California to strike it rich. And amazingly, many did.

Today we are experiencing the gold rush of our generation in the form of Internet marketing and home business opportunities. The time has never been better to enter the market and stake your claim to a piece of the action. However, just like the gold fields, the marketplace can be a dangerous place unless you are guided by a few basic principles.

As a lifelong entrepreneur, I have learned that following a few basic principles can dramatically increase the probability of achieving success. Following these principles can create an effect similar to the California Gold Rush, but rather than prospectors racing to the gold fields, customers will be racing to your home business opportunity.

The first principle the gold miners learned was that they had to know what they were looking for and where to find it. In modern day terms, this equates to identifying a niche market and understanding how to approach or access that market. A gold miner does not waste his time searching for gold in a salt mine, and you should not waste your time and money searching for wholesale meat customers in a room full of vegetarians. Identifying your niche market makes sense, but we tend to violate this basic principle of marketing everyday.

The gold miners recognized a second principle to mining success that you can use in your daily business. The act of prospecting means “looking” for good places to stake a claim. A gold miner would scour the mountains using a gold pan to test the richness of his “paydirt.” In marketing terms, prospecting means tracking your ads and promotions in order to measure their response rates and customer conversions. A miner would not waste his time digging for gold in an area that had a low payout, and likewise, you should not run ad campaigns in mediums with low customer conversions.

Perhaps the most important principle a miner learned was that gold settles to bedrock, and can only be found by digging through tons of dirt and debris. The lesson we can take from this analogy is that success in any home business or Internet marketing campaign will take work. Sure, the first prospectors found nuggets lying on the ground, just as the Internet pioneers capitalized from the dot com craze. But sadly, we live in a different world today. To find success toady, you will have to dig through a mountain of trash to find your pot of gold.

Despite the hardships, prospectors flocked to the gold fields by the thousands, and many struck it rich. You can find paydirt in your home business if you will identify your market niche, track and test your ad campaigns, and commit yourself to the hard work necessary to reach the bedrock.

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Yes you can.

There are over 4 million households in America with net worths in excess of 1 million dollars. The 17 Principles of Creating Wealth shows how anyone can become financially independent, starting from where they are at in life today. The information in this 59 page ebook is based on an extensive study of wealth in America and discusses the strategies and techniques used by hundreds of self-made millionaires.

This concise and detailed report provides 17 specific steps you can use to improve your financial intelligent quotient, create passive and portfolio income, and achieve financial wealth. These practical and time tested strategies show you how acquiring income producing assets and preserving a strong capital base can become the seeds of your success.

The 17 Principles of Creating Wealth is easy to read and apply, and offers a straightforward approach to accumulating wealth in America today. For your free copy of this book, please send an email to Ron Taylor at:

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