
How To Stop Making Excuses And Get On With Your Life

How To Stop Making Excuses And Get On With Your Life is a success manual for the rest of us. The book features:

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· Brainstorming techniques you can use to create goals and develop workable action plans.
· The four D's common to all successful people
· A master goal setting plan that will change the way you think about life planning

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The Commission Blueprint - Learning How To Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing

About 2 years ago I got involved with online marketing.

If I knew then what I knew now, I would probably have never even started. Making money online is a tough racket for newbies, and the market is not kind to people just getting started in this business.

Following over a year of numerous trials and failures I was ready to quit in frustration when I came across a marketing concept called The Commission Blueprint.

I believe it cost me about $5 to get started with their 7 day trial. Thank you, Commission Blueprint.

Here are three techniques to online marketing you gotta perfect to make money in this business:

1. The correct placement of both paid and free advertisement to generate tons of traffic to your product offers.

2. The careful wording of your offers that invites people to discover the benefits of your product offer, and either opt-in to your free newsletter or purchase your product.

3. And, the strategic use of keyword phrases to build massive traffic flows from free search engine results.

Online marketing is not for everyone, and frankly, I would not recommend it to you unless you were determined to find a way to make money online, virtually on autopilot.

When marketers speak of “automatic income” they are referring to your ability to generate a positive cash flow from ads, websites, blogs, and other online marketing techniques that operate 24/7, without your input.

Sure, these systems take a bit of work to set up, and you have to know the lay of the land to set things up right. Using the 13 hours of video instruction from Commission Blueprint, I was able to quickly transform my online marketing methods and finally start making some money.

I haven’t reached my financial goals quite yet, and I’m nowhere near the obscene profit levels others are making with this system. But, the potential is there, and I plan to continue to follow the plan laid out for me by the creators of the Commission Blueprint system.

So, if you’re looking for a way to finally start making some money online, and you’re willing to do the upfront work to get your cash flow systems put in place (don’t worry, the Blueprint people teach you everything you need to know), then I highly recommend you give The Commission Blueprint a shot.

Click on any of the highlighted words above to check it out for yourself.

Buzan Mindmapping - Creating Profitable Ideas

Mindmapping is a powerful brainstorming tool first developed by British author and psychologist Tony Buzan.

Buzan took an ancient technique of brainstorming and added modern concepts of brain thought processes to develop a method of accessing your creative genius.

Click Here to learn about MindMapping and claim your free 24 page report ”How To Get Started With MindMapping.”

Basically, Buzan MindMapping uses a simple technique of imagery to resolve problems and develop creative ideas. According to Wikipedia, "A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea."

Here are seven steps you can use to get started with MindMapping:

1. Think of an image that best represents your problem.

2. Place this image on the center of your paper.

3. Draw 5-7 lines radiating from this central image to open areas on your paper.

4. Attach images to each line that you feel represent possible solutions.

5. Develop an action plan for each of the possible solutions.

6. Implement each of the possible solutions.

7. Assess each soluton, and adjust your action plan based on feedback relevant to the solutions' effectiveness.

This is just a brief overview of the mindmapping process in action. For a detailed discussion of how you can use mindmapping to solve problems in your business, please visit my blog at Best Source For Mindmaps.


Nano-Niche Marketing - The Future Is Here

Online marketers have come to terms with the idea of developing keyword rich content on their websites and blogs using long tail keywords.

Online marketing is in a transformative stage where aggressive marketers are realizing the future lies in digging deeper into their long tail keyword phrase to find that so-called nano-niche.

One example of this may be the use of the long tail keyword phrase "make money."

A broad term like this may have worked great last year, but it is virtually useless today.

Now marketers must dig deeper and use a phrase like "make money fast at home" to access this market with free organic search traffic.

So, if you want to learn more about this evolving marketing strategy, head over to my blog on nano-niche marketing and read some more at Nano-Niche Marketing.

Ron Taylor is the author of The 17 Irrefutable Laws of Creating Wealth, available at How To Create Wealth



Nano Niching Your Online Market For Profit

Nano Niching your online market for profit is an online marketing concept getting ready to take the online marketing world by storm.

The basic concept is similar to longtail keyword marketing, but goes beyond that.

With nano-niching, the marketer focuses on identifying sub-niches of a longtail keyword phrase. For example, the phrase "tarot card meanings" may be used in a niche marketing campaign, but the term "tarot card meanings the lovers" is a term you could use to nano-niche the tarot market.

As you may suspect, nano niche keywords will have significantly less search traffic than their more broadly defined cousins. However, this traffic is tightly focused, and if you can deliver a product that appeals to that tightly focused search, you'll have a winner.

For more ideas on this marketing concept, please see my companion blog:

Nano Niching Your Market