
No Job, No Problem!

Robert Allen discusses building an Internet marketing business in his book Multiple Streams of Internet Income. The Second Edition of this book is well worth reading.

While Allen does not put it in these terms, my description of this process below is based on his ideas.

You see, depending on your job as your sole source of income is asking for trouble. Gone are the days of lifetime employment, or pensions that make retirement worthwhile. To succeed in today’s financial market you must accept that depending on your job for a living is simply begging for a life of poverty.

In my Work Sucks blog series, I discuss the need for each of us to develop multiple streams of income. Imagine a trickle of water rolling off the rocks at the tops of a mountain. This trickle joins other trickles of water to become a stream. As the water flows off the mountain the streams join forces to create a river, and then flow out to sea.

Your income streams are like those trickles. You don’t need to look for a river of income from one source to create wealth. Instead, focus on finding a way to create a small trickle of income. For example, selling $100 worth of household items on Ebay every month. Add to that a trickle of income from selling $100 worth of used books on Amazon, perhaps $50 monthly from completing online paid surveys, and perhaps $200 worth of commissions from affiliate marketing sales. These four trickles of income have suddenly grown to a stream of $450 per month in income.

How many times could you repeat this process? And, how many streams of income would it take to equal your job income?

Look for the opportunity to create multiple streams of income on the Internet. Once you have reached a level that is equal to your job income you can either decide to quit your job or use this extra income to build a capital base for investing in appreciable assets such as real estate and stocks. The positive cash flow from these investments can then become a source of passive and portfolio income, as described by Robert Kiyosaki in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

Opportunities to start creating multiple streams of income are everywhere. You just have to look, and then apply yourself to learning how to make them work for you.

Ron Taylor
Your Work Sucks! Super Hero

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