
Nano Niching Your Online Market For Profit

Nano Niching your online market for profit is an online marketing concept getting ready to take the online marketing world by storm.

The basic concept is similar to longtail keyword marketing, but goes beyond that.

With nano-niching, the marketer focuses on identifying sub-niches of a longtail keyword phrase. For example, the phrase "tarot card meanings" may be used in a niche marketing campaign, but the term "tarot card meanings the lovers" is a term you could use to nano-niche the tarot market.

As you may suspect, nano niche keywords will have significantly less search traffic than their more broadly defined cousins. However, this traffic is tightly focused, and if you can deliver a product that appeals to that tightly focused search, you'll have a winner.

For more ideas on this marketing concept, please see my companion blog:

Nano Niching Your Market

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