
Weekly Leader Brief

This is an important company update from Ron Taylor.

“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson’s quote epitomizes my personal philosophy in life and business--we help ourselves by first helping others. The purpose of this Weekly Leader Brief is to keep you informed of the progress we are making as a team. I challenge you to adopt a similar approach in the building of your personal downline. Together, we can make a difference.

Team Statistics as of July 6:

Overall Nutronix Group Volume: 446 PV (June)

Overall Berry Tree Group Volume: 120 PV (June)

New Members Since 1 June: 28

Precious2 Group:

Group Size: 4

Group Volume: 70 PV

Gllenza Group:

Group Size: 4

Group Volume: 70 PV

Arbaenterprise Group:

Group Size: 2

Group Volume: 80 PV

These numbers reflect growth over a 5-week period of promotion. The AutomaticBuilder system works, although it does require effort in the form of sending out permission emails, writing free ezine articles, making contributions in various forums and blogs, buying guaranteed tour takers, and the directing of prospects to an AutomaticBuilder recruitment page.

I will continue to recruit and move new members into the personally sponsored downline of active leaders. An active leader is defined as a member who has set a monthly autoship of at least 40 PV.

My Vision:

Each of us has different, or perhaps similar, goals in this business. Personally, I want to create enough commissionable volume to equal my current job income. This will allow me to live off my current job income while I direct my Nutronix income into various investment vehicles. According to the information I have received from various members and my analysis of the Nutronix pay plan, this goal is highly doable and realistic.

The ultimate goal for me is to achieve wealth, as defined by Robert Kiyosaki in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Basically, Kiyosaki contends you have achieved wealth when your passive and portfolio income equals your living expenses. Passive and portfolio income is derived from stock dividends, interest income, positive cash flow from real estate, and residual income from automated business models—such as Nutronix International. Reaching Kiyosaki’s level of wealth forms a solid foundation for continued financial growth or retirement, in accordance with your personal goals.

The one thing to keep in mind with this business is that it will not happen overnight. It takes at least 90 days to start seeing an income, and then that income will vary according to how much commissionable volume you have in your matrix and personally sponsored downline. In Nutronix, you must also be set on autoship for at least 40 PV per month to qualify for commissions, and I applaud the efforts of those who have made this financial commitment to their business.

As one of our leaders, this business takes patience, persistence, and promotion.

The patience and persistence part of this equation are natural character traits. We all come with varying degrees of patience and persistence. The best thing to do in these two areas is to maintain a long-term perspective and keep plugging away at building your organization. In this regard I have set September 1 as a date for an initial assessment of my business. I have resolved not to pass judgment until then. At that point, I will evaluate my progress in relation to my personal goals, and adjust my activities accordingly. For example, if I have not reached my 90-day recruitment goals at this time, I will refocus my efforts and try again.

While I can’t speak on behalf of your personal goals, I encourage you to set recruitment and group volume goals for yourself, and try to withhold your self-assessment for at least 90 days.

As for the promotion component of this success formula, I am modeling my behavior after those who have gone before me. What works for others will work for me also.

To join my team of leaders, please visit:


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